
All sessions are custom designed with YOU in mind! We’ll start with a pre-session consultation where we’ll discuss your vision for your photo session. During this meeting, we’ll talk about your style, custom artwork to decorate your home and answer any questions you have.

Your BFF (best furry friend) will get to meet me and show me how awesome she is. We’ll discuss location options and choose a place where your pet’s personality can shine. In addition, we’ll pick an outfit or two that coordinates with your BFF and compliments you. I’ll share additional tips to make this an experience you will always remember.

King Charles Cavalier on mom's shoulder

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself.

~Josh Billings

French Bulldog in garden

Classic session



Planning session and wardrobe consultation

1 - 2 hour pet photography session for up to 2 pets and 2 people from the same household

Reveal and ordering session

How does it work?



the photo session.jpg


I offer custom personalized design services to help you choose the right artwork for your home and lifestyle. Whether it’s for your wall, coffee table or desktop, there’s something for everyone.

Wall art starts at $890.

My dog is hyper, nervous, anxious, etc. Will you still be able to get amazing photos?

Absolutely! I’ve worked with all kinds of animals. With patience, understanding and praise, all pets are photogenic!

Where do the sessions take place?

Anywhere you’d like! We’ll discuss the best option for your family during your pre-session consultation meeting. Whether it’s a favorite park or on your property, it will be a location where your pet is comfortable.

Can I be in the photos too?

I’m so glad you asked! I really hope you’ll join your BFFs (best furry friends) in the photos. The bond we share with our pets is a special one and deserves to be celebrated.

But I never look good in photos.

Don’t worry! It’s not your job to work the camera. It’s my job to show you the wonderful, unique and magical bond you have with your BFFs. I’ll guide you through the entire process, from wardrobe planning to posing and show you the most heartwarming images you have ever seen.

Why hire me?

I’ve spent my whole life studying and interacting with animals. I even have a college degree in animal behavior. I’ve made a career out of caring for other people’s pets. And I've volunteered at a local animal shelter working with all kinds of personalities. Plus, as a dog mom myself, I truly get how important your fur kids are to you.

Australian Shepherd on beach at sunset