Another day in paradise!

Ah! There’s nothing like a relaxing trip to the beach, is there? Especially when heading for paradise means departing in the middle of a snowstorm! But alas, all good things must come to an end. While I love Florida weather, it’s great to be back home and reunited with my fur babies. I sure have missed them!

It was wonderful catching up on some much needed zzzz’s and soaking up some Vitamin D in the warm sun. There’s just something about being able to walk around with 20 pounds less clothing than I’ve been wearing this winter and watching the sunsets while enjoying a strawberry daiquiri. After spending what seems like an eternity cooped up within the 4 walls of my home, I was ready to spend some time outdoors. Summer can’t come fast enough!

My husband is a huge New York Yankee fan so we took in a spring training baseball game in Tampa, ate at some fabulous restaurants and checked out the real estate market as well.

Of course, I never travel without my camera gear in tow. In fact, some of my favorite landscape photos were captured during previous visits to Florida. I’m also really fortunate that my mother-in-law lives on a beautiful beach on the west coast of the sunshine state. We were blessed to have some spectacular sunsets during our stay.


I also had fun creating abstract images while the sky changed from blue, to yellow, orange, red, pink and purple. It’s really easy, just slow down the shutter speed and move the camera any way you choose (usually from left to right) while pressing the shutter button.  I never know what I’m going to get, so I just keep experimenting until I get something I like.


And of course, I can't help but stop to pet (and photograph!) almost every dog I meet. This is Riley. I ran into her and her dad fishing while walking on the beach one afternoon.

Until next time!